Sorry About That Chief
Wow, has it really been a week since I last posted? I apologize. I've been finding out more and more that staying at home is just as much work as......well work. At least it is when the kids are out of school for summer vacation. Noooooo, we couldn't lay off in September. Well fuck it. I'd probably have just as much to do, it would just be easier to look at the DVD's that I keep on the very top shelf of my closet behind the boxes of things that I intend to file one day.
A side not for those that are intending to become "Stay At Home Trophy Spouse". If you're doing your job right and working out and making dinner like a good S.A.H.T.S. then you will find that your wife will become increasingly horny and a lot more demanding about sex. I apologize for rushing off the phone yesterday Cyberman but duty called, and I think we all know what was said about duty in Fear of a Black Hat.