The Greatest and Best Rap Group of All Time
I did a lot of driving this weekend. And when I do a lot of driving I do a lot of thinking. And when I do a lot of thinking I think about how I would construct the greatest rap group ever. Then I think about all the fly lyrics and def beats we would drop. My picks to make up my super group of rap would include
Chuck D
Mike D
As a member of the Beastie Boys for the last 20 years. Mike has helped to create new sounds and styles that have kept them relavant far longer than most musical performers.
Heavy D
Every rap group needs a guy that can spit lyrics at a faster pace than most mere mortals. The diddly diddly diddly D is exactly the guy to do it for the greatest rap group of all time.
Eminem put this group together and I think we can all agree that he knows a little something about rap. Additionally these guys will add to the fear factor that rap groups need to keep the suckas straight.
Completely bad ass rap groups have a chick to kick out some vocals for their hype hooks (C&C Music Factory?). Deelight has made a career out of doing just that.
Tenacious D
There it is. I don't think it gets any better than that. Sorry Cyber D. You didn't make the cut.