Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Greatest Ancient Civilization
Being a man, I find myself besotted with hypothetical questions that take on seeming importance to me. Currently, I have been pondering what the greatest ancient civilization in human history was. I am leaning towards the ancient Egyptians at the moment, but am still unsure. You have to admit that style-wise they are way ahead of most of the cultures in the world. They had kick ass sandals, cool ruins, papyrus, lots of stuff pimped out in gold, most everybody liked them, and wicked awesome eye make-up. Even now we can still name off some of the kings and queens from that time and their style is still being copied today thousands of years later. I don't know what has happened to the Egyptians since then. They looked like such a promising culture. Some how they took a sharp turn from their fashionable ways. I mean, have you seen the way they dress now??? Oh well, maybe all the cool Egyptians moved to L.A. or something.
At the request of a friend I now post the link for the Four Variable Buffy the Vampire Slayer Personality Quiz
If you enjoy Buffy or Personality quizzes then by all means check it out.