If you go to all the trouble of buying or putting together your tough guy bike. Don't ruin it by gaying it up with tassels. What happens to these guys? They get a motorcycle and then they seem to think it would be a good idea to wear leather chaps and have streamers flying from their handlebars? The only people who should have any sort of tassels are strippers, highschool graduates who are becoming strippers, and the Ultimate Warrior. Unless you fall into one of those categories, please stay away.
What if the Ultimate Warrior became a stripper? Does that cancel out his tassel allowance?
Heck no! Nobody takes the Ultimate Warrior's allowance away from him.
The Big Show might.
That's a great reference to me and Q's master design to dress up as the Ultimate Warrior and the Big Show for Halloween, or Thanksgiving, or the next funeral we attend.
Talk about a (shudder). Dag and the Q dressed up like two sweaty wrestlers on Thanksgiving Day. I can just see the two of them sitting in front of the couch watching Dallas play Detroit will slowly drifting off to sleep from the pounds of triptophan filled turkey breast.
CyberD I think you got it all wrong. The Big Show doesn't take naps and he only watches football from behind. My favorite part of the gimmick is if we did it on Halloween and took Dag's kids trick or treating.
You should not be allowed to dress like that in front of children. Yikes!
which one of us?
both, I was using the royal "you"
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