Dad Food
My wife has been out of town now since Tuesday, which means that I've been soley responsible for feeding my children. So Tuesday was Chili Mac, Wednesday was Chili Dogs, today will probably be Macaroni and Cheese without chili, and tomorrow...I don't know yet probably
Hotdog Mac. This is pretty much the gambit of what you get when I'm the one cooking. I have also taken up grilling in the last year and could probably do more than this, but normally I reserve the effort for somebody that might actually appreciate it. The kids, so far, are thrilled with the instant meal menu that I've been providing. Additionally there have been other benefits as well. For one, dinner has been at a lot earlier times the last few nights, which in turn means that baths/showers are taken earlier, which means that we all go to bed earlier. See, I told you that I was dedicated to getting to bed on time.
As a side bar, me and Q saw the Weinermobile a couple of weeks ago when he was visiting for the Super Bowl. I wish it was stopped, because I surely would have visited. Unfortunately, it was traveling on what I can only imagine was a top secret mission against evil.
What's it like to have older kids where you run the risk of them telling on dad for your poor menu offerings? Right now it's easy for me to feed my son crap when cyberJ isn't around because my son doesn't talk about it later.
My wife knows the deal. WE have an honest relationship.
Hot dog Mac sounds pretty good right now. So does Chef Boyardee.
Nice, but don't you mean honest and OPEN relationship... that is to say OPEN to you having sex with guys cause you're so gay!
CyberD - Pizza is Awesome!
If Pizza Hut did not have online ordering and delivery, I would starve to death.
I'm so glad I'm not a father. CPS would have to be called.
Edited: I'm glad I'm not acting as an in loco parentis
Dagromm is an excellent daddy to the kids I fathered
We saw the Oscar Meyer Weiner car the other day too! In Portland, Oregon! I told my daughter to be glad I didn't have to pick her up at school in that thing. She said she was glad.
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