Spring and Rebirth
Last week my cell phone had an untimely demise. Even as, I watched its’ last remnants of life flickering away I looked up to the heavens and said, “Please forgive me for I know not what I’ve done.” My protestations could not stop the inevitable though and although my phone had often spoken the word unto me, I realized that it would not convey its’ messages that were sent from above to me any longer.
I entombed the phone within a box and laid it to rest at the feet of the virginal maidens within the Verizon Wireless location from whence it had originated. They told me not to cry for my phone would not be laid to rest for long. And as they spoke it was as if the music of angels filled the air as played in MP3 format by the speakers attached to the Samsung Juke display.
I gathered my strength as best I could and tried to emulate life for the next few days. That is when the miracle happened. On the third day my Mint Chocolate by LG rose again in accordance with the warranty. The box was returned to me by the messengers of Fed Ex and the container that had held it was unsealed. The phone was there looking as though the weary travails of its’ previous life had never happened. It was unscarred and had truly been reborn!
In other news, I’ve lost my entire contacts list from my phone. Feel free to e-mail me your numbers so I can build it up again.
I am now a believer in Mint Choclatology.
That's why you keep your contacts list on your SIM card... rookie mistake!
Gus - I am a convert as well, but seriously send me you number. E-mail me, wii me, 360 me, watever.
Cyber D - I don't have a sim card. I don't guess. Verizon wants you to back up your phone on line.
Thus it is written that on the eighth day the covenant shall not be broken and that all ye who believe will see the resurrection of the Mint. The LG has spoken and commanded that it be so, and so it is: Mint and Chocolate rising together from the grave to overcome the powers of death and hell, but losing all your contacts in the process.
Goo - It's like you were there!
Could your Mint Chocolate LG strike down my pos Razr? Please put in a good word for me..but let me back up my contacts first. I'll never get "that fine guy with the nice butt at Finnegan's" number again.
Susan, I eat at Finnegans all the time. Just come on by and I can give you my number again.
Daggs--does Mrs Daggs know you are asking men to 360 you? I doubt she would approve.
goo, you seem to be the expert. is it sacrilegious to give thanks to the mighty lg for the resurrection of the mint by eating a pint of mint chocolate ice cream?
if so, i'm damned but good.
The prophet of the LG spake thusly:
Beware! For, lo, there will come among ye false purveyors of Mint and Chocolate calling themselves ThinMint, Haagen-Dazs, Andes, and Baskin-Robbins. And they will offer great pleasure and they will demand great price; for as they melt upon your tongue with mint-chocolatey goodness, so shall they broaden your ass and weight your thighs.
i was afraid so. looks like i'm damned after all. :-)
but Goo--is there not one verse pertaining to moderation in all things chocolate mint? Can one small mint daily or one box of thin mints in a calendar year--that must be hidden from the husband and child until after Lent--be all bad?
And who set up that darn Girl Scout delivery schedule, anyway? Why must they always arrive during Lent?
I think you're losing control here. It happens when you bring in chocolate + mint + females.
cyber d: shhhhhh.
Now I have "Oh Happy Day" stuck in my head exactly as Whoopi Goldberg sings it in Sister Act...
wow and just in time for Easter. I love resurrections.
Tera--I really like, "My God," from Sister Act.
Jaz~Me too!!!
jaz, how about we splinter off from goo's fundamentalist branch of the church of lg and form our own church of lg based on liberal theology?
lit, he also loses control when he brings in fantasies + half naked women + males.
jaz and tera, 'my god' is my favorite song from the sister act movies. or is it the sweet seraphim song sung by andrea robinson? (the singing voice for sister mary robert)
Heather--if by liberal you mean lots of Thin Mint cookies and the occasional peppermint patty, count me in. I will happily eschew that verse about the widening of the backside as a mandatory result of chocolate mint consumption.
Oh--and please don't burst my bubble and tell me any of the nuns were lip syncing.
jaz, the way i see it if our newly founded branch of the church of lg allows for the occasional shot of peppermint schnapps as well we can dance all of those calories off our asses as well. :-)
And ye must know that the church of the lg calls you to abandon your ties to earthly pleasures and rejoice in the mint around you.
Something to add to the mint bible--or apocrypha, if the bible is already set in stone: Mint oil is a natural insecticide. I use it to kill any pesky insect that dares to enter my domain. That is, if the cats don't get it first.
And just because they call them palmetto bugs in the south does not mean they aren't cockroaches and to be loathed. Prettying the name up doesn't make them more socially acceptable.
Those palmettos require larger weapons (as in a size 12 shoe preferably on the foot of the owner) or WMD. And how did we get to this unpleasant topic? Super Yuk!
lit--we have hijacked this thread to discuss the power of mint. And you did not produce a size 12 on your eldest. However, Oyster is working on growing two of them.
By the way Daggs--I love the pic that goes with this topic, whatever the topic originally was.
who cares what the original topic was? i think he's waiting for us to stop commenting here before he posts again.
little does he know. he's simply created something of a chat room for us. :-)
and i concur, palmetto bugs is just 'southern' for roaches. kinda like 'fixin to' is southern for 'going to'. either way you say it... blech
Chill suspects he has forsaken this blog and created another to which we are not invited. I never thought he was the giving up type, but Chill knows him better than I.
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