Sunday, October 19, 2008

For Those Who Are Too Lazy

I have found the Barack Roll for you. Enjoy.


Nate said...

that is awesome. why couldn't you have emailed that to me?

Dagromm said...

Nate - I did, but you probably won't get it until you get home from the mighty Mississippi.

jaz said...

When that song first came out I was interested in seeing the guy with the awesome voice. He kind of reminds me of Howdy Doody. Daggs, are you too young to remember Howdy Doody?

LIT said...

Rhythm & Moves---Ellen is a great teacher, and he seems to be learning quickly. However, I've not heard her listed as "one of the closest advisers" once he moves to the White House. This could be a deal breaker 'cause, goodness knows he's going to need some moves when he takes on "the job."

Dagromm said...

Jazz - Yes, I'm to young for first hand Howdy Doody knowledge.

Lit - Ellen is a great teacher. I'd have to agree with you there.