Friday, January 26, 2007

Recommended Reading

The local Walden Books was closing down and had everything that was left at a 40% discount. I looked around (not for anything in particular) and found this book. I was actually already aware of this book and the film that was adapted from it, but had not ever read it or seen the movie. I'm not sure exactly where I knew of this from as the book and movie were both manufactured and distributed in Japan, but regardless for 40% off I felt like I needed to give it a try. Well 10% of the way into a 600+ page book I'm really glad that I did. It has been a long while since I've had a book that I was excited to get back to everyday and eagerly wanted to read. It's a fictional story about an Asian Governmental Program that takes 50 random high school classes each year and puts them in a remote place and forces them to kill each other until only one person is left. That last person is the "winner" and gets a lifetime pension and a card autographed by the dictator. This book is violent and not for kids, but it's loads of fun. So be sure to check out Battle Royale by Koushun Takami.


Q said...

I think I have seen the movie adapted from this book, it was "Farmer's Daughters Take it Off" right? If so I totally agree, not for kids...

Nate said...

Awesome. I actually have Battle Royale 1 and 2 on DVD but I didn't know they were based on a book. Is it Manga or a novel?

The movie is fun, and its got the hot little assassin from Kill Bill who had the spiked yo-yo

Dagromm said...

It was originally a book and then was adapted into a manga and a movie. You get some oddities in the book that I imagine are due to it being translated from Japanese, but it's not to the degree of Jimmy James Macho Donkey Wrestler.

Dagromm said...

Is what you have an anime or live action? I know there is a live action movie, but wasn't sure if there was also an anime.

Q said...

So..."Battle Royale has fancy plans, and pants to match..."

Nate said...

What I have is live action and pretty funny.

Now that I know there is a novel, I'll have to seek that out.