Recommended Reading
The local Walden Books was closing down and had everything that was left at a 40% discount. I looked around (not for anything in particular) and found this book. I was actually already aware of this book and the film that was adapted from it, but had not ever read it or seen the movie. I'm not sure exactly where I knew of this from as the book and movie were both manufactured and distributed in Japan, but regardless for 40% off I felt like I needed to give it a try. Well 10% of the way into a 600+ page book I'm really glad that I did. It has been a long while since I've had a book that I was excited to get back to everyday and eagerly wanted to read. It's a fictional story about an Asian Governmental Program that takes 50 random high school classes each year and puts them in a remote place and forces them to kill each other until only one person is left. That last person is the "winner" and gets a lifetime pension and a card autographed by the dictator. This book is violent and not for kids, but it's loads of fun. So be sure to check out Battle Royale by Koushun Takami.
I think I have seen the movie adapted from this book, it was "Farmer's Daughters Take it Off" right? If so I totally agree, not for kids...
Awesome. I actually have Battle Royale 1 and 2 on DVD but I didn't know they were based on a book. Is it Manga or a novel?
The movie is fun, and its got the hot little assassin from Kill Bill who had the spiked yo-yo
It was originally a book and then was adapted into a manga and a movie. You get some oddities in the book that I imagine are due to it being translated from Japanese, but it's not to the degree of Jimmy James Macho Donkey Wrestler.
Is what you have an anime or live action? I know there is a live action movie, but wasn't sure if there was also an anime.
So..."Battle Royale has fancy plans, and pants to match..."
What I have is live action and pretty funny.
Now that I know there is a novel, I'll have to seek that out.
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