Underrated Movies/Guilty Pleasures
Here's a quick list of top five movies that I enjoy and get a chuckle from, that don't normally get the recognition that I think they deserve.
5. Dickie Roberts Former Child Star - Before there was Little Miss Sunshine this movie had the shock value comedy of the child dancing in a much to mature fashion. Truthfully any movie that you enjoy involving David Spade has to be labeled a guilty pleasure.
4. She's the Man - I think Amanda Bynes is funny. There I said it. True this movie isn't Shakespeare or anything, but I thought it...what's that??.......Oh, this movie is Shakespeare! That's what I meant to say. Can't go wrong with Shakespeare.
3. Joe Dirt - Before there was My Name is Earl this movie had the shock value comedy that is white trash Americana. Truthfully any movie that you enjoy involving David Spade has to be labeled a guilty pleasure.
2. Josie and the Pussycats - Rachel Leigh Cook, Tara Reid, Rosario Dawson, Parker Posey, and Missi Pyle. Sold!!!! The DVD even comes with the music video from Du Jour, the boy band of the movie, entitled Back Door Lover. I thought this movie had some great lines and of course let us know that "brown is the new pink" and that Mr. Moviefone also delivers subliminal messages.
1. The Big Hit - One of the first movies I bought for my movie collection. We learn that even murderous hitmen just want to make people happy, and that the discerning masturbater will demand lanolin not that aloe-vera bullshit!
Narrowly missing the list was Bring it On. I enjoy this movie quite a bit, but it has gained too much popularity since hitting video to still be considered a guilty pleasure. I can attest to being one of the proud few who saw fit to see this movie while it was new in theaters. I've seen it about two dozen times since then.
The Big Hit is one of my most favorite movies. I enjoy it every time that I watch it and I have seen it a few hundred times...
No matter how popular it might get, Bring It On is still the ultimate film in this category .. Two hours of Dunst, Dushku and Union talking trash in tight outfits? Bring it on!
Hmmm. I thought this was going to be about porn.
Okay... normally your thoughts on this very subject drive me to near suicide, so I was terribly worried for what I was about tor read, but I have to say that I am impressed. I definately agree on your top 3. I can't get enough of Rosario Dawson... even though every film she has been in since has been complete crap.
Thou shalt not speak ill of Sin City
and I just added the Big Hit to the top of my Netflix queue
Q-Agreed The Big Hit is awesome. Only maybe slightly beaten out by Taste the Golden Spray.
Reel Fanatic-I do love this movie. Dang you made me want to go watch it again right now! Thanks for coming by.
Mist-That's called a tease.
CD-You must not have seen Alexander. Nudity!!! I've seen certain frames of that movie multiple times.
Gyuss-I agree Sin City was very alright, and I don't think you'll be disappointed with the Big Hit.
Okay... I forgot about Sin City. That's what we call the exception that prooves the rule and Dags... I have seen Alexander and that 2.5 minutes is the best part of that film. otherwise... complete crap.
Nice list of films....
Uh, I think there may be something wrong with my eyes...
Could you maybe come take a look?
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