Monday, May 01, 2006

How to Avoid Getting Fired
A manager in my office is getting fired today. He has been incompetent in his position and this should have actually happened a long time ago, but he has done a masterful job of delaying the inevitable. So for those of you who know the end is imminent, but need the income to last you a little longer her is what this guy has done: 1) Went out on Short Term Disability. He was set to be fired, knew that was the case then decided that he was too hurt to come into work the next day. He actually was injured, but that hadn't stopped him from coming in to work the two months prior to that. Because of the Short Term Disability he was able to continue getting paid for six more weeks without coming into work and with immunity from getting fired. 2) Have an incompetent HR Manager (Lots of them are)then find an excuse to leave the office. Upon his return to work today he dropped off his doctors release at the HR Managers office then left to take his company car to the dealership to get worked on, because it has been "acting up" on him. Wow that's an enigmatic problem for a car. No telling how long that takes to fix. He might have to be at the dealership all day for that. On top of that, if he gets hurt messing with his car that might make for a nice Work Comp Insurance claim which would protect him indefinately until that gets resolved. This guy hasn't been good at his job, but he's done great at keeping it.

1 comment:

Cyber D said...

A lesson we can all learn from...